Sunday, February 1, 2009

Is there a football game today?

I'm Canadian, so it probably goes without saying that I'm a big hockey fan. Rarely, and usually only when forced, do I watch NFL football. My wife can name more current NFL players then I can and even recognized that the middle school on King of the Hill is named after the former coach of the Dallas Cowboys. She IS from Texas though, so I guess that should be expected. However, even though I probably just be watching the game out of peer pressure and for the commercials, it still seemed appropriate to whip up a batch of chili. A chili that has beans! A statement that is immediately met with protests from my in-laws who adamantly defend their view that chili does NOT contain beans. Whatever, I'm Canadian, I don't feel the need to force my political or chili beliefs on the rest of the world. I feel there's room in this world for many types of chili, with or without beans.

While we're on the subject of chili and beer, beer is a common ingredient in chili. What I don't understand is chili recipes that call for a very light bodied and flavourless beer such as Budweiser. A chili usually has very bold flavours, so if you want the beer to contribute to the flavour and not just add moisture, dark and fuller bodied beers would be more appropriate. Chocolate is actually a common ingredient in chilis (much to the shock of my in-laws), so adding a chocolate stout or brown ale usually compliments the flavours in the chili very well. I added a bottle or two of our Bootlegger Brown Ale in the chili I made today, but in the past I've also used our pale and amber.

My chili is currently simmering on the stove as I enjoy one of my Holiday Cheer and write this blog entry. Its smelling and tasting better and better as the afternoon goes by. I've never worked from a recipe when making my chili which makes it hard to reproduce the ones that were amazing and avoid the ones that weren't, but this time I decided to actually write everything down.

Cheers and go Broncos!

** UPDATE - Photos from the chili making **

Poblano, Jalapeno and Red Peppers were grilled and then diced.

In addition to ground beef, I also add grilled and diced steak.

The finished chili, simmering on the stove.

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