Saturday, March 21, 2009

A lazy Saturday afternoon

After finishing a few things around house and yard, I relaxed on the patio with a couple of cold beers.

First was a bottle of Local 1, a "Belgian-inspired Strong Golden Ale", from Brooklyn Brewing. Brooklyn is relatively new to the Texas market, but not to the craft brewing scene. It was founded in 1988 and the world renowned brewer, author and all-around snappy dresser, Garrett Oliver, is the Brewmaster. It was a refreshing beverage after digging around in the yard.

After the Local 1 was gone, I dug out the 12th Release Harvest Wet Hop Ale from Sierra Nevada that I had retrieved from my beer cellar and stuck in the fridge that morning. This is a beer that is brewed with hops that were picked and shipped wet or un-dried that same day. Sierra Nevada is one of the oldest craft breweries, founded in 1980 by Ken Grossman in Chico, CA. As you can see, it poured with a big foamy head in the mug. Juicy was a word that came to mind after the first drink. Citrusy and piney were two more. A very smooth and drinkable beer.

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