Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Captured a Bigfoot

After finishing off a couple of 400lb Monkeys, I felt ready to take on a Bigfoot. I've always been a big fan of Sierra Nevada's Bigfoot and the 2010 release finally became available at my local Spec's. With an ABV of 9.6% and IBU of 90, this is not a casual drinking beer. Pours a dark amber colour with a thin head. Aromas of sweet malts and pine. Mild hop flavours and sweet malts to start but huge pine flavours quickly dominate with a little grapefruit as well. The alcohol is definitely noticeable with an expected slight warming affect. Medium carbonation with a sticky mouthfeel. A long lingering bitter finish. With a little age on it, the harsh hop and alcohol characteristics usually settle down and mellow out.

This is one of the beers that I continue to cellar year after year and I currently have '05, '06, '07, '09 and now '10. For some very odd reason, I don't find any '08 in my cellar at all. I have no idea how that happened and I find it quite annoying to be missing a year. I hope to have my usual vertical tasting soon and see how these bold flavours have settled. I only have one bottle of the '05 left, so it will be the last of that year.

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