The Great Austin Beer Festival is our opportunity to celebrate everything we love about beer. With so many great breweries in Austin and beyond, you will get your chance to sample some the finest local beers and explore beers from our best breweries from all over the world. The event offers multiple opportunities to learn everything you want to know about beer. Join us in downtown at the Austin Music Hall on June 26th. Admission is $30 online and $40 day of event. It includes unlimited 4oz samples. Food will be sold separately.
I'm curious what "our best breweries" means. I've seen other "beer festivals" around the state that have turned out to be nothing more then a showcase of the brands from a particular distributor. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I'd like to know that before hand. I've seen multiple attempts to organize a beer festival in Austin fail over the years. This one has already got a little further by selling tickets. There hasn't been a true craft beer festival in Austin since the very last Texas Craft Beer Festival in 2005. I look forward to learning more about the Great Austin Beer Festival and hopefully it turns out to be everything that everyone is hoping it will be.
*** UPDATE - 04/26/2010 ***
I sent an email message to the organizers requesting additional information about what breweries are attending and their response included the following:
"I know of at least 4-5 larger craft breweries that are expecting to attend. We expect to have a broad range of local and regional offerings, along with most of the major craft breweries that are distributed in Austin."
The email also went on to say that the TABC has been giving them a really tough time lately which has also taken away from time they could have been spending on rounding up more breweries to attend. However, they are continuing to contact breweries about the event and working on trying to bring in beers that are not usually available in Texas. They hope to have a list of breweries that are attending sometime next week.
It looks like they have added a couple more big names.
Yup, its slowly starting to come together. I've just never seen a beer festival that started selling tickets before knowing what breweries would be attending.
All I know is that it looks like it is going to be a great time. Great Beer and Good Times for everyone! I can't wait.
It looks like there website is really up and running now.
Breweries in so far. running out of space
Saint Arnold Brewing
Widmer Brothers Brewing
Redhook Ale Brewery
Kona Brewing Co
Samuel Adams
Dog Fish Head
512 Brewing
Deschuttes Brewing Co
Brooklyn Brewery
Ace Ciders
Magic Hat
Harpoon Brewery
Live Oak Brewery
Summit Brewery
Real Ale Brewing CO
Sierra Nevada
Victory Brewing
Left Hand
Oskar Blues
Stone Brewing
Amstel Light
Dos Equis
New Belgium
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