Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tickets on Sale for Denver Rare Beer Tasting IV

Tickets for the Denver Rare Beer Tasting IV, an awareness event and fundraiser for the Pints for Prostates campaign are now on sale. The event takes place during the Great American Beer Festival on Friday, Oct. 12th from 1:00pm ~ 4:00pm at the Wynkoop Brewery in Denver.

The price has increased this year to $100, but each attendee receives a commemorative tasting glass, t-shirt, program and pen as well as a three issue trial subscription to All About Beer Magazine. I've attended the previous three events and although the price has increased each year, I still think its worth it. The money goes to a very worthy cause and you get the opportunity try rare beers and meet the brewers who made them. The list of beers that will be served is not available yet, but is typically released closer to the day of the event.

*** UPDATE 08/01/2012 ***
From Pints for Prostates Facebook page:
The Denver Rare Beer Tasting IV is completely sold out! We are looking forward to reaching men through the universal language of beer on Oct. 12 and appreciate the loyal support of craft brewers and beer fans.

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